The Realm of Shuzo
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1) Black is cool.
2) Love the color black, it will save you.
3) In regards to previous note: Black isn't actually a color, it's a shade.
4) Who really cares? It's BLACK!
5) Wait... HE cares.
6) Who is HE?
7) HE is the person who knows me best.
8) But that doesn't really say who HE is.
9) See note number 6.
10) Okay, okay- HE is my boyfriend.
11) My boyfriend is goth.
12) I am goth.
13) I hate preps.
14) Preps are evil.
15) Kill a prep.
16) Disregard last note- men in white coats will come and put you in a padded cell.
17) But they will give you a cool jacket!
18) Wait... the jacket is white!
19) NOOOO!
20) The padded cell is white too!
21) You will not be allowed to play with sharp objects in the padded cell.
22) The men in white coats are the root of all evil.
23) They control the preps.
24) By making you want to kill the preps, they are controlling you.
25) Do not let them control you!
26) Rebel by killing all the men in white coats.
27) No, wait- then the FBI will come after you.
28) Kill the FBI, then they can't come after you.
29) Wait... then someone else will be on your trail.
30) Let's just lay off the killing.
31) But killing is so fun...
32) Just go kill some cuddly-but-insanely-madly-superly-disurbedly-evil creature.
33) It will make you feel better.
34) Just like listening to Korn.
35) And Metallica.
36) And Linkin Park.
37) And Evanescence.
38) And Powerman 5000.
39) And Creed.
40) And Marilyn Manson.
41) I'm depressed.
42) Ice cream will make everything better, since this IS 42 annd 42 is the meaning of life. 42 is the answer to everything, and the best number in the world aside from the famous 666.
42) 43 is an evil number, and shall henceforth be replaced with 42.
44) See? no 43. I mean 42. No, wait, I mean 43. But since that's replaced with 42, I mean 42. But I really mean 43, it's just being called 42. I don't really mean 42. But since 43 is now 42, I mean 42! But not the REAL 42. but how can you tell which is the real one? So I mean 42. No, 43, 42, 43, 42, 43, 42, 43, 42, 43, 42, 43, 42, 43, 42, 43, 42....
45) Stop confusing yourself.
46) Who said that?
47) I did.
48) No, you fool, I did!
49) Who are you two?
50) Don't forget me!
51) That makes three, then you add me that's four, then you add our original personality here and that's 5!
52) Whi are thur five off me?
53) Not of you, you idiot. Of her! *jerks invisible thumb at only visible person*
54) Weel, whi cant *I* hav multible persinalitys, too?
55) Becaue you ARE a multiple personality.
56) Learn to spell.
57) Will all of you leave me alone? I wanna go sit in my dark corner now...
58) Do we have to?
59) Yes.
60) *POOF*
61) *POOF*
62) *POOF*
63) *POOF*
64) *POOF*
65) Wait, that last poof wasn't supposed to be there! That's the original me!
66) *UNPOOF*
67) Crawl to your dark corner and stare darkly at passing strangers.
68) Better yet, hide in a dark corner at a school dance and scare all the preps. It's better than killing them because you won't be forced into a white jacket and a white padded room where they won't let you play with sharp objects.
69) White is evil.
70) 69 is a funny number! It's the same upside down as it is right side up! So how can you tell whether or not it's upside down? Are you upside down? Do you know what 69 means?
71) 69 means have fun! Sort of...
72) wow, there's a lot of notes. this is fun. can we keep making notes?
73) *waiting for an answer*
74) Guess so!
75) Let's try and go to one hundred!
76) Let's also go here:
77) Wasn't that fun?
78) Oh, dearie me, did I waste your time?
79) Haha, sucks for you.
80) You didn't have to go there, you know.
81) It was just a suggestion.
82) Don't get mad at me, I didn't force you to go there.
83) I mean, really, it's not like I have total control over you.
84) I certainly didn't implant a mind-control chip in your brain when you were a baby.
85) That was my evil twin Cephilia.
86) Cephilia. That's a funny name, isn't it? Let's all make fun of that twat's name, cuz it's just so godd*mn funny!
87) You know why my sister is evil? Because she wears white.
88) You know, white is evil. That's why my sister is evil, because she likes white.
89) Wearing baby blue is bad for your health.
90) Baby blue is almost more evil than white.
91) The only safe color is black.
92) Can you come here? I have a secret to tell you.
93) It was really me who put that chip in your brain. You are now my mindless minion. Go obey my orders to take over the world.
94) You know why I want to take over the world? Because it screwed me over. I was supposed to be a nice, happy little preppy girl who wears slutty clothes and like Backstreet Boys. But NOOOO the world had to be cruel. It made me cynical and depressed. That's why I don't like you. Or anyone. Except HIM. Do I have to explain who HE is again, or can I trust you to be smart enough to go all the way back to the beginning to find out? That way, you'll forget what number you were on and you'll have to re-read this entire list and therefor be even deeper in my control. This way, I can get you to control other people and you will all bow down as my mindless little minions.
95) Well, that sure was a long-winded and very depressing note, wasn't it? That's good though, It means that I'm not a preppy. I'm depressed and proud of it. Now get me some icecream and some chocolate.
96) Repeat after me: I am a depressed and very mindless minion of Her Great Lady Shuzuko of Ultimate Gothicness.
97) Well now, looks like my time is almost done. From now on, you will obey me. If you are a gothic person, you can serve as one of the generals of my mindless minion armies. If you are seriously preppy, I will eat you and serve your bones to my kitty Fluffy, who will then proceed to crunch them into little bits. Fluffy is a good giant panther, isn't she?
98) Only two more to go. I can't let it end this way! If it does, I'll make you commit suicide.
99) One left... poison, or a sword through the heart? Whish interests you more?
100) Well, I think I like the sword-through-the-heart idea... where's the closest sword?